Memorials & Tributes
“You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars. In the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.”
― Max Ehrmann
“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.”
― John Muir
Honor your loved one with a gift that will live on. Van der Brohe Arboretum appreciates every gift and will use funds toward our mission of creating an Arboretum and migratory bird sanctuary. We also offer grounds sponsorship and naming opportunities.

David Abts
1945 – 2024
Friend, Supporter, Board Member, and Volunteer at the Arboretum
Gifts Given in Memory of David Abts
Barbara (Shan) Bergeon
James & Barbara Lester
Beverly Schmidt
John Durbrow & Karen Steingraber
Dave was a true supporter and valued Board Member of the Arboretum.
He was deeply committed to serving his community, volunteering and holding leadership roles with many local organizations, including VDBA.
In lieu of flowers, the family has established a memorial fund in Dave’s name.

Don Schweiger
1942 – 2024
Friend, Supporter, Board Member, and Director of Groundskeeping of the Arboretum
Gifts Given in Memory of Donald Schweiger
Shan Bergeon
Jerome Fox
Carol Grumann
David & Susan Luebke
Carron Net Company Inc.,
Bill & Laurie Kiel
GVR Investment Management, Inc.,
George and Mary Reis
Jacque Dickenshied & Dale O’Donnell
Vicki Grimstad
Jay & Jill Schweiger
John Durbrow/Karen Steingraber
Having worked on the grounds while it was still a golf course, Don knew the terrain like the back of his hand. The transformation of the land from the golf course to the Arboretum thrilled Don, despite the destruction of his pampered fairways.
The Schweiger and Carron names are already prominent at VDBA due to their generous sponsorships. Memorial gifts to the Arboretum will be recognized in Don’s name.
Gifts Given in Memory of Mary Lee Carron Schweiger
Barbara (Shan) Bergeon
Eugene Carron
Jacque Dickenshied
Gail & Jerome Fox
Carol Grumann
Gretchen Prins
Annette Rohrer
Fred & Nancy Schweiger
Lloyd & Kay Sleger
Carol Swoboda
Virginia M. Wolters