In some areas of the grounds, trees will be arranged formally in groups, to create event venues and contemplative settings. There will be hybrid structures supporting espalier or vines to broaden the display of natural greenery.

At trail intersections, nine Franciscan Gardens have been established. Following the tradition of St. Francis, trees, shrubs, plants and grasses in each installation have been selected for their ability to provide shelter and sustenance for wildlife.

The grounds are further enlivened by the George E. & Susan E. Schiereck Grimm Ivy Walls, and the Two Rivers Rotary-sponsored Ivy Tunnels, as well as other structures and plantings. A flowering crab apple grove has been planted along the southwest section of the outer loop.

Additional proposed structured plantings, if sponsored, may also include:

  • Allées and event lawns
  • Hummingbird gardens
  • Decorative wetland swale/rain garden
  • Botanical demonstration gardens

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