The Riverview Ponds which were empty due to leaking have been excavated and relined with clay to seal them to prevent seepage. They are being refilled and we are happy to report that they will be full just in time for the geese and ducks and other wildlife to use them as they have in previous years.
George Grimm has sponsored the work, which is being performed by Mammoth Construction of Manitowoc.
The organic muck has been trucked to the Ivy Walls to give the Prairie Restoration a better growing media.
The two ponds had previously been connected by a culvert beneath the trail. A new bridge is being constructed to span the newly excavated connecting waterway between the previously separate ponds. At some point in the future, a waterwall will be constructed against the hill at the East edge of the ponds to serve as aeration and bird baths.
On a completely unrelated note: For sale: 10,000 used golf balls.
Oh man .. I wanted to buy 10,001 golf balls .. darn . A day late and 1 short .. oh well my quest will continue.